• what is mean by biodiversity?
Existence of plants and animals to form the healthy environment is called biodiversity
•levels of biodiversity
* Researchers generally accept three levels of biodiversity i.e., genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity.
These all are interlinked with each other.
Most of the studies that theoretically or experimental, focus on the species diversity , as it is easier to work with the while compared to the genetic diversity which requires laboratory is apparatuse, time and resources to identify and ecosystem diversity our technological University may need complex measurement to be taken over a long period of time.
1) Genetic diversity:
It is defined as the variation at the levels of individual genes.
The heriable variation within and between the population of organisms
-genetic diversity occur when there is a variations header in our lives are in chromosomes structure are in genes
-Moti diversity better is chance of variation because at least some of the individuals with how variant that is suitable for the new environment and will produce the various types of offsprings
-genetic diversity arises due to the sexual reproduction which brings the new recombination and variation
-genetic diversity is necessary for the improve the crop yield and resistance to pests and diseases
2) Species diversity:
-it is the diversity at species level
- it is the variety of different species of living forms in a given area
-e.g., the Western Ghats as a greater mpbn species diversity than the Eastern Ghats
-species diversity depends on the number and richness of species in a particular region
-The number of species per unit area is referred as species richness which influences the species diversity
-murgi number of species more is the diversity
3) Ecological/ecosystem diversity:
-it is defined as diversity at ecosystem or at habitat level
-an ecosystem is the aggregation of various habitats of animals plants microorganisms and abiotic environment
-India as one of the richest diversity of habitats ranging from deserts plains hills mangoes rainforest to the cold Himalayas having a diversity of ecosystems from sand beaches with salt water adapted to biodiversity to forest
-India harbours about 5% of the world biota
• How many species are there on earth and how many in India
a) How many species are there on Earth 🌎?
- it is estimated that the number of species the range from low of 3 million to the hop about hundred million species are there in our earth according to the scientist Robert mein
-according to the scientist Robert main global species diversity is about 7 million
- among 7 billion 70 percentage of species recorded for animals and 22% are plants
-in animal species diversity 70% are insects
The latest estimated no is about 8.7 million species on the planet with 6.5 million species found on the land and 2.2 million dollar in on ocean depth
b) How many species in India??
-it is estimated that there are over 45000 species up plants out of which 15000 species of flowering plants in India account for 6% of the total plant species in the world
-there are nearly 76000 species of animals which include invertebrates, insects, ambience, fishes, reptiles, birds and mammals
-India contains a great belt of biological diversity in its forest , in its wetlands and Marine areas
-India has only 2.4 % of the world's land area but its share of global species diversity is 8.1 %
-therefore India are considered as the one of the twelve mega diversity countries of the world
• Pattern Of Biodiversity:
-scientist are observed that diversity decreases with increases in distance from equator to the north or South
-tropical region harbours have the more species than temperate are polar areas
-Columbia as located near the equator as 1400 species of birds
-India lying at the tropical latitude as 1200 species of birds
-New York lying at 41° N has 105 speciesof birds
-Green land lying at 71° N has about 56 species of birds
This could be well illustrated by taking latitudinal gradient and species area relationship
I) Latitudinal Gradient:
-it and index is used to show the distribution of plants and animals from poles to the tropic region
-species distribution is not even throughout the world
-species richness decreases from topic to pole
-localities at lower latitude how large number of species then localities at higher latitude
II) Species Area Relationship:
-it is the one of the most fundamental ecological relationship observed by the German naturalist Alexander von humboldt
-according to him species richness increases with increases in explored area but up to a certain limit
-Area of region increases so that the number of different species increases
-distillation graphically documented by relation through auspicious area relationship curve
-sach papa plot documentation can give us useful information such as total number of species in a region
- That graph provide rectangular hyperbola shape
-this relation explain by the equation,
Log S=los C + Z log A
( S- species richness. A-area. Z-slope of the line.
• Importance of Species Diversity to the Ecosystem:
- species diversity race a very significant role in increasing stability and prosperity and the functions of ecosystem
I) Increased Stability:
Communities number of species are tend to be more stable than those with even number of species or stable is community is characterized by the following features listed below
- It should be not so much of variation in productivity from year to year
- It must be resistance towards the operational natural are man made disturbance
It must be resistance to the invention by alien Species
II) Higher Productivity
III) Healthy Functional Ecosystem
• Loss of Biodiversity:
- Teri doli station appeared to be about one species per decade
- According to the renowned biologist E.O.Wilson we are now lodging about 10,000 organisms per year that it makes more than 27 per day
- Present trend continuous be destroyed the plants animals and microbes in the next few decades leading to the extinction of the species and put many other in the waiting list
- The waiting list refers to the large number of animals which would become extinct unless we take care
- According to the sum environmental scientist current biodiversity Christmas is the start of a sixth mass extinction on earth
- Scientist are believed that women's causing the sixth mass extinction by fragmenting habitats introducing nonnegative species spreading diseases and species and change in climate
At present approximately 81 species of mammals 38 species of birds and 18 species of ambience and reptiles are considered to be endangered in India
=> Causes of biodiversity:
Answer biodiversity is a great concern the causes disease extinction are summarised in the sobriquet
1) Habitat loss and Fragmentation:
- Habitat loss is destruction of ecosystem by unwanted human activities such as urbanisation intensive farming deforestation mining etc...
2) Over-exploitation:
- It is the harvesting of renewable resources to the point of the diminishing returns
- Over exploitation can lead to the destruction and extinction of resources
The different base of over exploitation include over gauging overfishing over cultivation and teaching and over exploitation of various natural resources by humans3) Alien Species Invention:
- Alien species are the species which are translocated beyond its Om range
4) Co-extinction:
- It is the simultaneously extinction of two or more species when one is dependent on other
- Hummingbirds become extinct the mites would also become instant to because they would have no way updating from the flower to flower
=> Biodiversity Conservation:
Man being a dominant species with regard to his influence on ecosystem has post changes after without realising the impact. Not all of man's activities are detrimental.
As increase the production in arid and semi-arid regions by irrigation, use of fertilizers have increase the productivity to a great extent. Great effort has been made to protect natural areas in their native condition. Today increasing number of people are becoming aware of measurable value of biodiversity and the need to live in harmony with nature.
The conservation is the plan and management program of man's surroundings to prevent its neglect exploitation and destruction
It is a broad concept which involved not only the scientific but ethical moral economic and political aspect as well.
=> Why Should we conserve Biodiversity:
Biodiversity is noun or its multiple benefits such as economically medicinal and directional value.