2.2. Pistil, Megasporangium and Embyosac

 The Pistil:

The gynoecium Arab pistol status female reproductive part of the flower. Distal is composed of the one or more carpels or megasporepylls which may be either free or apocarpous or fused syncarpous. A pistol main consists of one carpel, monocarpellary, two carpels bicarpellary, three carpels tricarpellary, pokhar pal status capillary and Pi carpels pentacarpellary and more than 5 carpels is called multicarpellary

Each still contains of three parts one is ovary and another one is style and another one is stigma

The megasporangium (ovule):

  • Megasporogenesis is a process of formation of applied megaspores from the megaspore mother cell
  • Departed megaspore mother cell undergo miotic division to produce ki AC Lloyd Bilaspur
  • Report applied megaspore single megaspore functional remains disappear the megaspore enlarged exercise
  • The nucleus of functional megaspore divide se mitotically to produce two nuclei these two nuclei undergo two sequential mitotic division and attend 8 nucleate stage
  • Two nuclei remains central region are polar nuclei
  • Three nuclei move towards micropyll side are egg apparatus
  • 3 nuclei Moto was the chala chal side are antipodal cells
  • The egg apparatus contains one excel and two synergids

Female gametophyte or embryo sac:

The embryo sac is the female gametophyte of the angiosperms which is normally a 7 cell structure
  • Female gametophyte are embryo sac contains the seven salad are eight nucleated stays in the embryo sac located at the narrow nucellus of oval
  • Jagah paratus to synergids and one Excel which is is situated towards the micropylar end of the embryo sac.
  • Listener cheats have special cellular signalling at the micropylar tip filiform apparatus
  • The central cell present in the central region of the process consists of two fused polar nuclei and one coming from the micropylar end and other coming from the chala chal end of the embryo sac
There is three antipodal cells towards the chalazal end

The nucleus of the functional megaspore divides to form the two nuclei which is moved toward the opposite poles and performing the two nuclear or nucleated embryo sac. It is followed by the two successive mitotic division to form 4 nucleated and 8 nucleated stages of embryo sac. The three successive nuclear divisions are not followed by the intermediate cell wall formation. After Eid nucleated stage cellone are formed. Shiksha prerak news and and 3 and organised into the cells three cells egg apparatus at the micropylar in the in the antipodals at the end these are applied. The remaining two nuclei at the polar ends of the polar nuclei which is moved to the centre of the embryo sac and fuse to form the diploid secondary nucleus at the Central cell. A typical angiosperm embryo sac at maturity do it nucleated is a 7 said the apparatus and antipodals are haploid and secondary nucleus is diploid

2.1. Stame, Microsporangium and Pollen grain

Each stamen (microsporophyll) is differentiated into the spore bearing organ, the anther and slender stalk , the filament

The anther consists of two antelopes joined together by a narrow strip of connective tissue. Each antelope contains two longitudinal running Sachs or chambers called pollen sacs. In some cases there are only two protons tax instead of 4 as in the members of family malvaceae. Each pollen sacs contains the numerous pollen grains or micraspis and a 4 or 5 layer anther wall

Structure of microsporangium:

  • The microsporangium surrounded by 4 wall layer
  1. Epidermis
  2. Endothelium
  3. Middle layer
  4. Tapetum
1. Epidermis: It is a single plate and outermost and protective layer

2. Endothelium:

It is a second layer radially elongated with fibrous ticking. Address your pic in nature when it last the water help to dehiscence of the anteelobe

3. Middle layer:

It is 2-3 layers beneath the endothecium middle layer helps in dehiscence of anther love

4. Tapetum:

It is the innermost single layer helps in the management of pollen grain and helps in the formation of polynomial and its secret the enzymes


  • It is a process of formation of applied microspore the male gametophyte are the pollen grain from the microspore mother cell in the pollen sac
  • Problem set contains sporogenous tissue
  • Sporogenous tissue differentiated into the microspore mother cell
  • Each microspore mother cell undergo meiotic cell division to produce depot sports in the cluster
  • At the maturity stage are separated each other after dehiense of anther lobe pollen grains are released into the atmosphere

Pollen grain:

  • Pollen grain represent male gametophyte
  • Pollen grains are powder in nature and shape is spherical or oval
  • Pollen grains surrounded by pollen wall contains exine intone
  • Outermost layer of pollen wall is exams it contains the chemical sporopollenin. It is highly resistance and with fans in the alkali acid or a temperature
  • Inner layer of the pollen wall is entirely made up of cellulose and pectin
  • This sporopollenin not completely deposited at the some places for called germ pore
  • Pollen grain contain two cells are a spindle shaped and regular cell is vegetative cell
  • Vegetative cell is called to tube wall because during the germ formation pollen tube produced by the vegetative cell
  • Generative cell produced to sperms

The importance of pollen grain:

Pollen grain haile which nutrient these pollen grains used in the preparation of tablets and syrups which supplies food to the person and in the athletes and in the horses of race
Dulhan green also cause allergy and respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis


Hypersensitive response of immune system to certain antigen present in the environment
Species are caused the allergy- parthenium species amaranthus Species

Pollen grains are stored in pollen Bank. Pollen grain store in the nitrogen at the -196° C

Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

  1. Flower: Papa eating organ of angiosperm
  2. Pre fertilization: Structures and Events
  3. Double fertilization
  4. Post fertilization: structures and events
  5. Apomixis and polyembryony 

1. Lovers are fascinating organs of angiosperms
  • Angiosperm are the towering plants reproduce vegetatively and sexually
  • Flowers in angiosperms are the organs of sexual reproduction
  • Dehati most fascinating organs with their rich colours and scents
  • Diversity of structures of inflorescence flowers and floral parts show and major in range of adaptation to ensure the sexual reproduction and formation of fruits and seeds

Flowers are invaluable subject of a synthetic ornamental social religious and cultural value. They have been used as a symbol of conveying important to women beings such as love affection happiness trip morning etc.. they are used as an excellent offering to God a source of inspiration to poets and used in the festivals to make them more effective

2. Pre-fertilisation: structures and events:
  •  flowers are the modified shoots
  • Hormones auxins gibberellins and chlorination act on the visitor to bus which leads to the differentiation and development of floral bus
  • Inflorescence aap on which bear the floral birds and then the flowers
  • A typical flower consists of two lower accessory whorls- calyx and corolla and two upper essential whorls- androecium and gynoecium
  • Hindi plover male reproductive structure is androecium and female reproductive structure is gynoecium
  • The Androecium consists of worlds of stamen and gynoecium consists of carpels with a smile and ovary along with his diet ending with stick



 • what is mean by biodiversity?

 Existence of plants and animals to form the healthy environment is called biodiversity

•levels of biodiversity 

* Researchers generally accept three levels       of biodiversity i.e., genetic diversity,                 species   diversity and ecosystem diversity. 

   These all are interlinked with each other.

   Most of the studies that theoretically or experimental, focus on the species diversity , as it is easier to work with the while compared to the genetic diversity which requires laboratory is apparatuse, time and resources to identify and ecosystem diversity our technological University may need complex measurement to be taken over a long period of time.

1) Genetic diversity:

      It is defined as the variation at the                    levels of individual genes.


     The heriable variation within and                    between the population of organisms

-genetic diversity occur when there is a variations header in our lives are in chromosomes structure are in genes 

-Moti diversity better is chance of variation because at least some of the individuals with how variant that is suitable for the new environment and will produce the various types of offsprings

-genetic diversity arises due to the sexual reproduction which brings the new recombination and variation

-genetic diversity is necessary for the improve the crop yield and resistance to pests and diseases

2) Species diversity:

-it is the diversity at species level

- it is the variety of different species of living forms in a given area

-e.g., the Western Ghats as a greater mpbn species diversity than the Eastern Ghats 

-species diversity depends on the number and richness of species in a particular region 

-The number of species per unit area is referred as species richness which influences the species diversity 

-murgi number of species more is the diversity

3) Ecological/ecosystem diversity:

-it is defined as diversity at ecosystem or at habitat level 

-an ecosystem is the aggregation of various habitats of animals plants microorganisms and abiotic environment

-India as one of the richest diversity of habitats ranging from deserts plains hills mangoes rainforest to the cold Himalayas having a diversity of ecosystems from sand beaches with salt water adapted to biodiversity to forest

-India harbours about 5% of the world biota 

• How many species are there on earth and      how many in India

a) How many species are there on Earth 🌎? 

- it is estimated that the number of species the range from low of 3 million to the hop about hundred million species are there in our earth according to the scientist Robert mein

-according to the scientist Robert main global species diversity is about 7 million 

- among 7 billion 70 percentage of species recorded for animals and 22% are plants

-in animal species diversity 70% are insects

     The latest estimated no is about 8.7 million species on the planet with 6.5 million species found on the land and 2.2 million dollar in on ocean depth

b) How many species in India??

-it is estimated that there are over 45000 species up plants out of which 15000 species of flowering plants in India account for 6% of the total plant species in the world

-there are nearly 76000 species of animals which include invertebrates, insects, ambience, fishes, reptiles, birds and mammals

-India contains a great belt of biological diversity in its forest , in its wetlands and Marine areas

-India has only 2.4 % of the world's land area but its share of global species diversity is 8.1 %

-therefore India are considered as the one of the twelve mega diversity countries of the world

• Pattern Of Biodiversity:

-scientist are observed that diversity decreases with increases in distance from equator to the north or South

-tropical region harbours have the more species than temperate are polar areas

-Columbia as located near the equator as 1400 species of birds

-India lying at the tropical latitude as 1200 species of birds

-New York lying at 41° N has 105 speciesof birds

-Green land lying at 71° N has about 56 species of birds

This could be well illustrated by taking latitudinal gradient and species area relationship

I) Latitudinal Gradient: 

-it and index is used to show the distribution of plants and animals from poles to the tropic region

-species distribution is not even throughout the world 

-species richness decreases from topic to pole

-localities at lower latitude how large number of species then localities at higher latitude

II) Species Area Relationship:

-it is the one of the most fundamental ecological relationship observed by the German naturalist Alexander von humboldt

-according to him species richness increases with increases in explored area but up to a certain limit

-Area of region increases so that the number of different species increases

-distillation graphically documented by relation through auspicious area relationship curve

-sach papa plot documentation can give us useful information such as total number of species in a region

- That graph provide rectangular hyperbola shape 

-this relation explain by the equation,

 Log S=los C + Z log A 

( S- species richness. A-area. Z-slope of the line. 


• Importance of Species Diversity to the Ecosystem:

- species diversity race a very significant role in increasing stability and prosperity and the functions of ecosystem

I) Increased Stability:

Communities number of species are tend to be more stable than those with even number of species or stable is community is characterized by the following features listed below

  1. It should be not so much of variation in productivity from year to year
  2. It must be resistance towards the operational natural are man made disturbance
It must be resistance to the invention by alien Species 

II)  Higher Productivity

III) Healthy Functional Ecosystem 

• Loss of Biodiversity:

  • Teri doli station appeared to be about one species per decade
  • According to the renowned biologist E.O.Wilson we are now lodging about 10,000 organisms per year that it makes more than 27 per day
  • Present trend continuous be destroyed the plants animals and microbes in the next few decades leading to the extinction of the species and put many other in the waiting list
  • The waiting list refers to the large number of animals which would become extinct unless we take care
  • According to the sum environmental scientist current biodiversity Christmas is the start of a sixth mass extinction on earth
  • Scientist are believed that women's causing the sixth mass extinction by fragmenting habitats introducing nonnegative species spreading diseases and species and change in climate
At present approximately 81 species of mammals 38 species of birds and 18 species of ambience and reptiles are considered to be endangered in India 

=> Causes of biodiversity:

Answer biodiversity is a great concern the causes disease extinction are summarised in the sobriquet 

1) Habitat loss and Fragmentation:

  • Habitat loss is destruction of ecosystem by unwanted human activities such as urbanisation intensive farming deforestation mining etc...

2) Over-exploitation:

  • It is the harvesting of renewable resources to the point of the diminishing returns
  • Over exploitation can lead to the destruction and extinction of resources
The different base of over exploitation include over gauging overfishing over cultivation and teaching and over exploitation of various natural resources by humans

3) Alien Species Invention:

  • Alien species are the species which are translocated beyond its Om range

4) Co-extinction:

  • It is the simultaneously extinction of two or more species when one is dependent on other
  • Hummingbirds become extinct the mites would also become instant to because they would have no way updating from the flower to flower

=> Biodiversity Conservation:

Man being a dominant species with regard to his influence on ecosystem has post changes after without realising the impact. Not all of man's activities are detrimental.

As increase the production in arid and semi-arid regions by irrigation, use of fertilizers have increase the productivity to a great extent. Great effort has been made to protect natural areas in their native condition. Today increasing number of people are becoming aware of measurable value of biodiversity and the need to live in harmony with nature.

The conservation is the plan and management program of man's surroundings to prevent its neglect exploitation and destruction

It is a broad concept which involved not only the scientific but ethical moral economic and political aspect as well.

=> Why Should we conserve Biodiversity:

Biodiversity is noun or its multiple benefits such as economically medicinal and directional value.



Common Protozoan Diseases

 I) Malaria:-

*) It is the mosquito borne disease that              causes over 2.7 million deaths per year          according to estimates by WHO 

Causative Agents:-

*) Caused by protozoan parasite that is              transmitted to human and animal host          by  female anophilis mosquito

*) Four species of Plasmodium Parasite        can cause malaria in humans they are as      below 

    1) plasmodium falciparum

    2) Plasmodium vivax

    3)  Plasmodium ovale 

    4). Plasmodium malariae

*) In these Plasmodium falciparum is most                dangerous it may causes death within            several days and remaining are cause            illness but not death 

Life cycle of malaria parasite:-

The life cycle of malarial parasite requires 2 namely female no please mosquitoes and humans. Mosquito is the primary or definitive host while is a secondary or intermediate 


*) Symptoms are usually take to appear 12        to 14 days after infection 

*) Abdominal pain, chills and sweats, head      ache, high fever, muscle aches and poor        hepatite 

*) Plasmodium falciparum affected person                show  destruction of red blood cells,              extreme tiredness, delirium,                            unconsciousness, convulsions and coma,      kidney failure, pulmonary oedema

II) Amoebiasis/ Enteritis:-

*) It is common infection occur in the                gastro-intestinal tract of humans 

Causative Agents:-

*) It is caused by entamoeba histolytica

*) Entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan                    parasite 

*) infection occurs when a person takes            food contaminated with cysts of                      entamoeba transmitted by flies from              faeces of infected persons 

Life Cycle of Entamoeba histolytica:-


*) Symptoms may vary from mild to sever 

*) Vomiting show severe infection in                  gastrointestinal tract 

*) Abdominal pain, fever, bowel movement

Common Viral Diseases

I) Common Cold:-
*) Common cold is the one of the most                 infectious viral disease up the upper               respiratory tract which primarly attacks       the nose
Causative Agents:-
*) It is caused by a group of viruses in                which 'rhino' viruses are most common
*) the virus are transmitted through                    droplets from cop and sneeze of an                infected person
*) Translations also takes place through            contaminated books, pens, hand                      kerchiefs etc...
*) Common cold includes cough, sore throat, running nose, fever 
*) These are all in 7 to 10 days

II) Hepatitis:-
*) Hepatitis is a disorder of liver where the liver cells are inflammed, either damaged or destroyed
Causative Agents:-
*) It is caused by various strains of viruses.
    These are the six different strains                    namely  hepatitis A,B,C,D,E andG
*) Hepatitis A,D,E and G transmitted                    through poor hygiene, contaminated              water and food and strides through                faecal  and oral routes
*) Hepatitis B and C are generally called            serum hepatitis transmitted through              blood and sexual intercourse

*) It Neha also be spread to other body              fluids like saliva, sweat, breast milk, etc...
*) Most common symptoms are loss of                appetite, fatigue, mild fever, muscle or          joint aches, nausea and vomiting,                    abdominal pain

Some of othe Viral diseases:-

Common Bacterial Disease

Health and Diseas

    Health and Diseas


             According to WHO health is defined as 'the complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely absence of disead or infirmity'. 

            It is divided into two broad aspects namely 

           1) Physical Health 

         2) Mental Health 

1) Physical Health:-

                      Physical health means a good body which is a result of regular physical activity exercise, good nutrition and adequate rest. Other contributors physical well being improve body weight management good knowledge about healthcare abstaining from drug and alcohol abuse responsible for sexual behaviour (sexual health), hygiene and getting the right amount of sleep.

2) Mental Health:-

                      ' Mental health refers to peoples cognitive and emotional wellbeing'.

Person who enjoys good mental health is not have any mental disorders. 

  According to WHO ' mental health is a state of well being in which the individual realises is his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal pressure of life, can work productivity and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community'


Note:- health of individuals and their communities are affected by their environment and situations .

    According to w h o the following tractors strawberry have a bigger impact on our health

       1) state of our environment

     2) genetics

     3) power income

     4) our education level

     5) our relationship with our                friends and family 

 Most of the actors that contribute towards our good or bad health are out of our control 

       Therefore we have to balance physical, intellectual, emotional, social, occupational, spiritual, environmental aspects of life for achieving good night

 Diseas:- When good health is not maintained our body is a subjected to disorders of structures and functions and other abnormal conditions which are collectively called as "disease"

 Types of diseases:- Diseas can classified into various types based on their origin, mode of transportation, symptoms, etc....

1) Communicable/InfectiousDiseas:

these diseases do not remained confined to the person who develops it but, spread to others


  these diseases can be further classified into different types based on causative agents like viral diseases, bacterial diseases, protozoan diseases, fungal diseases, helminth diseases

2) Non-communicable/non-infectious diseases:

        These diseases remain confined to person who developed it and does not spread to others.

     these diseases are further classified into different types like  deficiency diseases, degenerative diseases, allergies, cancer, etc...

3) congenital disease/genetic disorders:

          These are the inborn disorders caused due to to jeene motivations are chromosomal aberrations and are are transmitted to the next generation that e.i., albinism, sickle cell anaemia, Down's syndrome, Turner's syndrome etc...

2.2. Pistil, Megasporangium and Embyosac

 The Pistil: The gynoecium Arab pistol status female reproductive part of the flower. Distal is composed of the one or more carpels or megas...