Common Protozoan Diseases

 I) Malaria:-

*) It is the mosquito borne disease that              causes over 2.7 million deaths per year          according to estimates by WHO 

Causative Agents:-

*) Caused by protozoan parasite that is              transmitted to human and animal host          by  female anophilis mosquito

*) Four species of Plasmodium Parasite        can cause malaria in humans they are as      below 

    1) plasmodium falciparum

    2) Plasmodium vivax

    3)  Plasmodium ovale 

    4). Plasmodium malariae

*) In these Plasmodium falciparum is most                dangerous it may causes death within            several days and remaining are cause            illness but not death 

Life cycle of malaria parasite:-

The life cycle of malarial parasite requires 2 namely female no please mosquitoes and humans. Mosquito is the primary or definitive host while is a secondary or intermediate 


*) Symptoms are usually take to appear 12        to 14 days after infection 

*) Abdominal pain, chills and sweats, head      ache, high fever, muscle aches and poor        hepatite 

*) Plasmodium falciparum affected person                show  destruction of red blood cells,              extreme tiredness, delirium,                            unconsciousness, convulsions and coma,      kidney failure, pulmonary oedema

II) Amoebiasis/ Enteritis:-

*) It is common infection occur in the                gastro-intestinal tract of humans 

Causative Agents:-

*) It is caused by entamoeba histolytica

*) Entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan                    parasite 

*) infection occurs when a person takes            food contaminated with cysts of                      entamoeba transmitted by flies from              faeces of infected persons 

Life Cycle of Entamoeba histolytica:-


*) Symptoms may vary from mild to sever 

*) Vomiting show severe infection in                  gastrointestinal tract 

*) Abdominal pain, fever, bowel movement


2.2. Pistil, Megasporangium and Embyosac

 The Pistil: The gynoecium Arab pistol status female reproductive part of the flower. Distal is composed of the one or more carpels or megas...