Common Viral Diseases

I) Common Cold:-
*) Common cold is the one of the most                 infectious viral disease up the upper               respiratory tract which primarly attacks       the nose
Causative Agents:-
*) It is caused by a group of viruses in                which 'rhino' viruses are most common
*) the virus are transmitted through                    droplets from cop and sneeze of an                infected person
*) Translations also takes place through            contaminated books, pens, hand                      kerchiefs etc...
*) Common cold includes cough, sore throat, running nose, fever 
*) These are all in 7 to 10 days

II) Hepatitis:-
*) Hepatitis is a disorder of liver where the liver cells are inflammed, either damaged or destroyed
Causative Agents:-
*) It is caused by various strains of viruses.
    These are the six different strains                    namely  hepatitis A,B,C,D,E andG
*) Hepatitis A,D,E and G transmitted                    through poor hygiene, contaminated              water and food and strides through                faecal  and oral routes
*) Hepatitis B and C are generally called            serum hepatitis transmitted through              blood and sexual intercourse

*) It Neha also be spread to other body              fluids like saliva, sweat, breast milk, etc...
*) Most common symptoms are loss of                appetite, fatigue, mild fever, muscle or          joint aches, nausea and vomiting,                    abdominal pain

Some of othe Viral diseases:-


2.2. Pistil, Megasporangium and Embyosac

 The Pistil: The gynoecium Arab pistol status female reproductive part of the flower. Distal is composed of the one or more carpels or megas...